Centre of Excellence in Subsurface Seismic Imaging and Hydrocarbon Prediction
Overview & Aspiration
The Centre for Seismic Imaging entails both industrial relevance as well as knowledge creation and innovative research. It provides the link between skills and competencies and product application as practiced by the Oil and Gas Industry.
Research activities include but are not limited to:
Analysis of Current Practices in Imaging
Improve the Resolution & Imaging Capabilities to Image Complex Structures/Thin Beds
Identify Geological Circumstances & Complexities where a New Approach is needed
Develop Sophisticated Algorithms, not provided by Technology Providers
Perform Innovative Research to provide a Quantum Leap in Detecting Difficult to Find Oil
Develop and Mentor Young UTP Scientists In The Field Of Seismic Technology in Imaging
Lease with External Institutes of Learning, such as : Delft TU, Netherlands, Heriott-Watt, Imperial College UK, University of Texas & University of Oklahoma, USA, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway, BHU & IIT Bombay, India.
Vision & Mission
In line with UTP’s aspiration, the CSI Centre will have to satisfy the following:
Internationally recognised by the internationally community as the Research Centre of Choice
A respected member of Societies such as SEG, EAGE, AAPG, SPE and others
A Centre of Innovative Research in Seismic imaging
Develop competent researchers for future
Provide our partners with state of the art technology guidelines and solution
Satisfy the shareholder’s needs and country’s aspiration to be a progressive nation
Our Business
Contribute to Place UTP as a partner of choice in the field of Seismic Imaging
Establish and sustain UTP as a centre of Research in Seismic Imaging
Encourage multidisciplinary linkages to other UTP Centres, such as
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
South East Asia Carbonate Research Laboratory (SEACARL)
CO2 Management
Centre for Intelligent Signal and Imaging Research (CISIR)
Advanced EM Research
Deep Water Technology
High Performance Computing Centre (HPCC)
Focus Areas
Seismic Imaging, Illumination & Virtual Sources
Hydrocarbon Prediction & Rock Physics
Thin Bed Resolution
Full waveform Inversion
Shear Wave Splitting
Reservoir Characterisation / Modelling
4D Time Lapse Seismic / EOR
Broadband, Multi-azimuth & Multi-component
Head, Centre of Excellence in Subsurface Seismic Imaging & Hydrocarbon Prediction (CSI)
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)
32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.
Contact Info:
General Enquiries (for public)
UCampus (for existing students)